Jules Sisk

A teacher by profession, and bringing with him years of experience in the field of peacekeeping training and education, Jules is currently studying the role of teachers in post-war peacebuilding. His doctoral research focuses on the use of inexpensive technologies – cellular telephony and radio – for helping teachers in Liberia improve their professional skills, particularly as they relate to the affective side of teaching, and the management of conflict in the classroom. Parallel to this, he also founded and now edits an online journal called Conflict and Education, which is dedicated to promoting the study of educational delivery in conflict-affected societies. Jules holds an MA in International Education from the University of Sussex.


SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2011-13),  Jackie Kirk Fellowship (2010-11)


Sisk, J.G. (2005). Can Education Cause War? A framework for analysing the relationship between schools and civil war. New Era in Education, (86:2).
